Mary Rodgers

30/60min Private Personal Training Sessions

30/60min Private Pilates Reformer Sessions

30/60min Private Yoga Sessions

Who are you professionally?

Newer to the fitness industry as a professional but most of my background is running restaurants with my husband and studying wine, spirits, and food! I hold a level 1 Wine sommelier “diploma” from the Court of Masters.

Who are you personally?

My favorite role in my personal life is Mom! I love being at home with my family!

What do you have to offer?

As a lover of food and a busy wife & mother, I can see the victories we achieve on a daily basis and recognize a strength that one might not be able to see in themselves, which can translate into accelerated progress and an overall happier self-image!

What characteristics would people find relatable?

I’m a mom and a wife and I love food! Fit individuals and trainers still eat and enjoy!

What are your favorite eatery spots in BR?

That’s easy! Bin 77 and Solera!

What’s your favorite drink?

There’s a time and place for all wines, spirits, and beverages! But vodka is useless lol

What’s your favorite pair of shoes?

Birkenstocks or slippers all the way!

What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?

Clocked out for lunch and hopped on a plane to California with a boy I was totally head over heels for. That boy is now my husband of 8 years!