Adrienne Maginnis

30/60min Private Personal Training Sessions

30/60min Private Pilates Reformer Sessions

60/90min Travel Personal Training Sessions


During the summer of my 8th grade year, I was bored and decided to pick up a weight in my childhood home gym. Like a bolt of lightening, I instantly fell in love with the feeling of strength. I loved challenging my body more and more which was honestly driven my my own personal mental strength and determination. I deeply desired from that summer on to help others feel the confidence and endorphins that weight lifting gave me.

I crave daily movement that feels as vital to me as air in my lungs to survive. Moving my body has helped me through some rough times and has strengthened me not just physically, but mentally and spiritually. I was created by God to help others discover the inner strength and potential that they never thought they possessed through physical fitness.

I graduated in 1999 from LSU Medical Center with a degree in Rehabilitation Counseling. In 2010 I was certified as a group fitness instructor and in 2012 as a certified personal trainer. I have also completed many courses in mindset, elderly and morbidly obese fitness, nutrition and completed a plant based cooking course. I love the challenge of taking an unhealthy recipe and turning into a tasty healthy dish. Grocery shopping is fun for me and I like taking my clients to the store, showing them healthy options they never knew existed.

I have trained and learned amongst top fitness competitors and have a wide range of experience training all different age ranges and abilities. Some of my clients have been middle school athletes who wanted to get stronger for their specific sport to beauty pageant contestants, cancer patients who are going through chemotherapy, paraplegics, college students trying out to be LSU golden girls to the morbidly obese clients who just long to fit into a restaurant booth or plane seat. I love training the elderly and middle aged men and women the most. I understand some of the health, hormone challenges and stress getting older can produce. I have a heart to encourage and inspire women to be the best version of themselves as possible. I won’t give up on my clients and they know I’m fighting for them in their corner helping them achieve the physique they didn’t even know they could have.


I am a follower of Jesus Christ. A wife to a precious man of God for 24 years. We have two young adult children whose we are very proud of. I am a native of South Louisiana having strong Cajun French roots. I have had the privilege traveling all over the world from a young age, seeing many different cultures and places; however, my home state is where my heart loves the most.

I am a very passionate and driven person. I attack issues and problems immediately and do whatever i can in my power to solve it fast and move on. Sometimes God teaches me no matter how hard I try, He is my only source of peace and strength. Relinquishing control to Him has broken my pride and put me in perspective many times. I am grateful for the lessons especially after they are over. Ha! I have a tender heart for all people, but can be super tough at the same time. Disrespect excuses and laziness are my biggest turnoffs.

I come from a large, very close family. I am blessed that we all live near to each other. Living away from them for 7 years in Texas has made me never take that for granted. Most of my weekends and free time are spent hanging out with my siblings and close girlfriends. I live for a girlfriend getaway or girls night out! Family and friendships are the things I cherish the most.


I love to hike, go on mountain and beach trips, shop for discount clothes and home decor, explore small nearby towns within driving distance, ride bikes, go our to eat, daily long walks with my dogs, listening to health podcast and reading health books, and visiting different dog parks with my 50lb Aussie doodle Peach and 5lb. Multipoo Pearl. Sitting by the pool, grilling or a sitting by a campfire is one of my most favorite ways to enjoy my family and friends. I am a hopeless romantic and love dating reality shows or romantic comedies.

I love creating a clean, clutter free environment. My ADD brain demands it in order for me to concentrate and feel at peace.

Anything domestic is what i gravitate towards. Im a huge foodie and read recipe books for fun.

Favorite foods:

Pizza dipped in ranch dressing, beignets, red beans and rice, cornbread, sushi, pancakes, and hot tortilla chips with queso are my guilty pleasures. A good crusty loaf of bread with butter along side a nice glass of red wine is so enjoyable to me. I have a huge sweet tooth and will never pass up a piece of wedding cake or a chewy chocolate chip cookie. Any hot dessert with a side of ice cream is “life”! Black coffee with a sprinkle of cinnamon is the way I choose to take my coffee.

Favorite color:


Favorite shoe:

Brooks tennis shoes because of comfort not looks

Favorite music:

Country, Christian and old school 70’s, 80’s and 90’s of all genres.